Lab 11: Coroutines
Table of contents
NOTE: Download the lab, unzip it, and open the project folder in Unity Hub!
Lab Overview
In this lab you will be learning all about coroutines, which are Unity’s mesthod of performing asynchronous updates, allowing you to make things happen outside of Unity’s update cycle. By default, any code you put inside your Update function, as well as any physics or collider interactions, will execute every frame. But if you want to provide the player with a smooth transition from one state to another (e.g. changing colors or positions), it will need to take place over multiple frames; and for that, you will need coroutines.
Key terms
In order to make a function coroutine ready, you will need to use a special header and a yield statement.
Header: IEnumerator FunctionName( [Parameters] )
Declaring the function as an IEnumerator tells Unity that it is a coroutine
Yield Statement:
Once your coroutine is called, it will run until it reaches a yield statement and then stop executing. After a given period of time, execution will continue, starting with the next line. If you remember generators from 61A, coroutines function in exactly the same way!
There are quite a few different yield statements, but these are some of the most useful:
- yield; or yield return null;
- Execution resumes at the start of the next frame (when Update() is called).
- yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
- Execution resumes after waitTime has elapsed.
- yield return new WaitUntil(() => [condition])
- Execution resumes after the declared condition evaluates to true.
- This is a bit of a weird yield statement and less commonly used than the first two, but it can be useful if you only want something to occur under certain conditions.
When you want to start your coroutine for the first time, you call it with the command StartCoroutine(CoroutineName());
If your coroutine takes in any parameters, you can pass those in by calling StartCoroutine(CoroutineName(Parameters));
Lerps and Time.DeltaTime:
A very handy function to use in conjunction with coroutines is Lerp (short for linear interpolation)
- Lerp(start, end, x);
Imagine these three parameters as a number line with the start state at 0, the end state at 1, and x being a decimal number of how far along the number line you want to travel
The Lerp will return the state “x” of the way between the starting and ending state
This works for numbers, positions, colors, pretty much anything with clearly defined states!
- If you want a smooth transition from your starting state to ending state, then you will need to gradually increase your “x” value through multiple calls to your Lerp function
- Time.DeltaTime can be used to do this; it tells you the amount of time that has elapsed since the last Update call
- Another way to think of this is by thinking of a loop and a fraction, lets call this our ‘x’ value. Given X is a fraction we should have two values our numerator and denominator. By changing our numerator through multiples calls in a loop (hint hint) we are effectively increasing this x value each time we call the Lerp function. Again, Time.DeltaTime can be used to help you build this.
- Lerp is an extremely useful function that you should always keep in mind and have a good understanding of. Below is a link to website that explains the fundamentals of lerp for programmers and animators alike. Please check it out! (
Lab Instructions
Task 1: Create a “death animation” for the player
when you press the “F” key, your character sprite should fade to black
- To change the player’s color, you will have to modify the Color component of the player’s Sprite Renderer
- Use GetComponent
All code should be written in the PlayerController script
- Your implementation should use both a Coroutine and Color.Lerp (Here is the documentation for Color.Lerp:
Task 2: Use a coroutine to spawn in enemies at regular intervals
All code should be written in the SpawnManager script
Use yield return new WaitForSeconds
Use Instantiate to spawn enemies
Multiple spawn points have been created for your convenience (feel free to create your own or modify the existing ones)
- FYI: spawn points are just empty gameobjects in a specifc location, basically marking a space in our game that we can refer back to in our scripts.
- Use a loop or multiple yield statements to cycle through them so that enemies spawn in new locations each time
Task 3: Give enemies coroutine based movement and turn them into actual sentries
All code should be written in the EnemyMovement script
You’ll notice that the sentires all have a Trigger Collider Component attached to them. Whenever the player enters a sentry’s collider zone, the sentry should record the player’s entry point and investigate by Lerping towards it
- The sentries should not continuously follow the player –just move them to the point the player was first detected
- You might have to pass in parameters to your coroutine to successfully complete this
- You’ll have to keep track of whether a sentry is currently moving
- Since coroutines operate asynchronously to Unity’s normal update cycle, it’s possible for multiple coroutines to be running at once, which can lead to some weird teleporting bugs
Lab Summary
Now that you’ve learned about Coroutines, you can use them to create smooth transitions between different states, whether that be for an object’s position, color, or something else. Because Coroutines are asynchronous, Unity can run multiple Coroutines at once, making it a powerful tool for handling multiple changing states at once.
Coroutines can also be used to handle larger functions. For example, functions that take more than a frame to execute (you won’t experience any of these in class, but you certainly might in industry) might need to be staggered across multiple frames to prevent your game from lagging.
Explain why you might want to use a Coroutine
Explain what a Lerp is
Show that you have successfully completed the three tasks by:
a. Starting the game and showing that enemies spawn in multiple locations at regular intervals
b. Moving the player into multiple trigger zones and showing that the sentries move towards the player smoothly
c. Pressing F and watching the player fade to black
Bug Reports
If you experience any bugs or typos within the lab itself, please report it here!